I love puzzle games, but not every puzzle game I like needs to be big and complex. Sometimes, I only need a simple jigsaw puzzle to solve when I listen to a podcast and zone out after a stressful day. Beautiful pictures, a good interface, no timers and I can chill connecting pieces as this was the only thing I have to do (it isn't). Harmony's Odyssey has almost all of that, but not in a pleasing package.

There's a small story being told here: a little witch girl had a cat problem with her magic wand and all the world was broken into scrambled pieces. Your goal in Harmony's Odyssey is to click in pairs of blocks to swap their positions and remount the dioramas using only the broken objects as clues. To be fair, it works but nothing really gets your attention. The scenarios are really colorful (sometimes too much colorful) and it's easy to solve each puzzle.

Harmony's Odyssey

The real problem of Harmony's Odyssey to me isn't that core gameplay, but the bad decisions that were used to wrap it. I'm a huge fan of interfaces that only uses symbols to convey all the buttons and actions, but I still can't understand what some things mean here. Is this a bonus level or a required challenge? Am I buying an upgrade or unlocking an achievement? Where is the next puzzle to solve??? I wanted answers, but only got frustration.

And when I think I found my way through the bizarre UI, I found minigames in Harmony's Odyssey. Trusting your classic game knowledge (because all of them are inspired by old magazine puzzles), the game doesn't have real explanation of how they work. I know there was a "spot the differences" minigame, but apparently I can't miss a click? And you can get upgrades to help you, but they only works in some specific styles? Once again, I wish I had understood what was happening there.

Even if you're not bothered by the confusing interface or frustrating minigames, all you'll get in Harmony's Odyssey is still mediocre jigsaw puzzles. The dioramas themselves are cute and colorful, and solving them isn't necessarily bad, but I believe there are best options in the stores if you just want to put some beautiful pieces together. I was expecting some magic in my relaxing time, but I don't think this magical wand is my type.

The team behind this game sent me a press key so I could play it and write my review. Thanks for the trust!